de súpeto



Attested since 1861. Learned borrowing from Latin subito, preceded by the preposition de. Doublet of súbito.


  • IPA(key): [deˈsupɪtʊ]


de súpeto

  1. suddenly
    Synonyms: de socato, subitamente
    • 1895, Heraclio Pérez Placer, Contos da Terriña:
      Calquer pensara que un meigallo se lle meteu no corpo, ó ver como cambeou de súpeto. Esborrouse da súa boca a sonrisa pracenteira, fuxiu dos ollos o mirar churruscandeiro, velado agora por humedeceres de bágoas
      Anyone would think that a spell has entered her body, seeing how she changed all of the sudden: the pleasant smile fade from her mouth and the lively gaze fled from her eyes, clouded now by the wetness of the tears


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