das Bett hüten



Literally, "to watch the bed".


  • (file)


das Bett hüten (weak, third-person singular present hütet das Bett, past tense hütete das Bett, past participle das Bett gehütet, auxiliary haben)

  1. (of a sick person) to stay in bed
    • 1877, Daniel Spitzer, Das Herrenrecht, L. Rosner, page 39:
      Das Auge der Vorsehung scheint über Severin während des Frühstücks, das er bei seinem Schwiegervater eingenommen hatte, nicht gewacht zu haben, denn er hatte sich den Magen verdorben und musste einige Tage das Bett hüten.
      The eye of destiny did not seem to have watched over Severin during the breakfast that he had had at his father-in-law's place, because he had gotten an upset stomach and had to stay in bed for a few days.


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