


Causative of dağılmaq + -t


  • (file)


dağıtmaq (transitive)

  1. to raid, sack, loot
  2. to smash up
  3. (colloquial) to demolish, pull down
  4. to destroy, ravage
    şəhəri dağıtmaqto destroy the city
    evi dağıtmaqto destroy the house
  5. to overthrow
    hakimiyyəti dağıtmaqto overthrow the government
    sosial qaydanı dağıtmaqto overthrow the social order
  6. to ruin, bring to ruin
    sosial qaydanı dağıtmaqto overthrow the social order
  7. to scatter, throw about, strew
  8. to tatter, deface
  9. to wear out, rend, tear (badly)
  10. to drive away, disperse, scatter, dissolve
  11. to squander, fritter away
    Synonyms: aşırmaq, korlamaq
  12. to spill


Further reading

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