déan amach



déan amach (present analytic déanann amach, future analytic déanfaidh amach, verbal noun déanamh amach, past participle déanta amach)

  1. write up
    liosta a dhéanamh amachmake out a list
  2. conclude, distinguish, determine
    an fad a dhéanamh amachdetermine the length
    an áit a dhéanamh amachlocate the place
    an fhírinne a dhéanamh amachdistinguish the truth
    1. (with go) make out, conclude, that
      Rinneamach go raibh an ceart agam.He concluded that I was right.
  3. proceed outwards; (of time) proceed onwards
    1. (with ar) proceed outwards to; proceed onwards to
      ag déanamh amach ar na hoileáinheading out for the islands
      ag déanamh amach ar na tráthnónagetting on towards the afternoon


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