


Etymology 1

Borrowed from Latin contentiōnem, from continere (contain).


contenció f (plural contencions)

  1. containment
    • 2017 January 4, Luis Vellón, “Menors refugiats, la infància negada”, in El Periódico:
      Turquia actua ara com a mur de contenció, fruit del polèmic acord amb la UE, fet que ha frenat el flux d’embarcacions que arriben a les illes gregues del mar Egeu procedents de les platges del país veí.
      Turkey now acts as a containing wall, as a result of the controversial agreement with the EU, which has stemmed the flow of boats that arrive at the Greek islands from the Aegean sea departing from the beaches of the neighboring country.

Etymology 2

Borrowed from Latin contentiōnem, from contendere (dispute).


contenció f (plural contencions)

  1. contention

Further reading

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