


Internationalism, likely from mistaken the ligature æ for œ, which later has been transcribed to oe. Ultimately from Latin caelum (sky).

See the lemma for further reading.


coelest (comparative coelestare, superlative coelestast)

  1. Obsolete spelling of celest (celestial).
    • 1905 June 25, “H. Poincaré. »en af alla tiders främste matematiker» [H. Poincaré. »one of the greatest mathematicians of all time»]”, in Hvar 8 Dag, page 9:
      Stockholm har under dagarne 17 till 20 juni gästats af en af samtidens främste vetenskapsmän, den berömde franske matematikern, professorn i coelest mekanik vid la Sorbonne i Paris, Henri Poincaré.
      During the days 17 to 20 June, Stockholm was visited by one of the foremost scientists of our time, the famous French mathematician, professor of celestial mechanics at la Sorbonne in Paris, Henri Poincaré.

Usage notes

  • This spelling is etymologically inconsistent, and may be considered an erroneous variant of cælest or caelest. The latter, however, is not so common as this spelling.
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