cid dia
Old Irish
Literally "what from [which]?"
- why?
- c. 800, Würzburg Glosses on the Pauline Epistles, published in Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus (reprinted 1987, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), edited and with translations by Whitley Stokes and John Strachan, vol. I, pp. 499–712, Wb. 13b12
- Masu glé lib tra in precept ro·pridchus-sa .i. as·réracht Crist hó marbaib, cid dia leícid cundubairt for drecht uáib de resurrectione hominum?
- If the doctrine that I have preached to you (i.e. that Christ has risen from the dead) is clear to you, why do you leave doubt on a part of you about the resurrection of men?
- c. 800, Würzburg Glosses on the Pauline Epistles, published in Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus (reprinted 1987, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), edited and with translations by Whitley Stokes and John Strachan, vol. I, pp. 499–712, Wb. 13b12
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