

chʼí- (out horizontally) + -∅- (ni-modal 3rd person subject prefix) + -l- (classifier) + -yeed (imperfective stem of root -WOD, “to run — 1 actor”).



  1. he/she/it is running out horizontally (individually)

Usage notes

The stem is used for running individually. For movement in pairs, see chʼíhiʼnilchééh . For movement in groups of three or more, see chʼéjeeh .

Plural forms of this verb refer to several people running independently one from another.

  • Chʼíniilwodeach of us ran out, we ran out each in his/her own direction.


Paradigm: Momentaneous (ni/ni), with partial da-shift.

IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person chʼíníshyeed chʼíniilyeed chʼídaniilyeed
2nd person chʼínílyeed chʼínółyeed chʼídanołyeed
3rd person chʼélyeed chʼídaalyeed
4th person chʼíjílyeed chʼídajílyeed
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person chʼíníshwod chʼíniilwod chʼídaniilwod
2nd person chʼíínílwod chʼínoołwod chʼídanoołwod
3rd person chʼélwod chʼídaaswod
4th person chʼíjílwod chʼídajiswod
FUTURE singular duoplural plural
1st person chʼídeeshwoł chʼídiilwoł chʼídadiilwoł
2nd person chʼídíílwoł chʼídoołwoł chʼídadoołwoł
3rd person chʼídoolwoł chʼídadoolwoł
4th person chʼízhdoolwoł chʼídazhdoolwoł

Verbal stems

  • PERFECTIVE: -wod
  • FUTURE: -woł
  • ITERATIVE: -woʼ
  • OPTATIVE: -yeed

See also

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