carrion flower



carrion flower (plural carrion flowers)

  1. Any of a wide variety of plants that have a scent of carrion that attracts certain animals to the plants from which they disperse pollen, seeds. or spores.
    1. Amorphophallus spp., arums of the Old World tropics.
    2. Rafflesia spp., of southeast Asia.
    3. Stapelia spp., of Africa, especially South Africa.
    4. Smilax (syn. Nemexia), herabaceous vines of North America
    5. Bulbophyllum spp., certain orchids
    6. Other plants, including Aristolochia clematitis, Arum maculatum, Asimina spp. (pawpaws), Crescentia alata, Dracunculus vulgaris, Helicodiceros muscivorus, Huernia spp., Hydnora spp., Lysichiton americanum, Sterculia foetida, Symplocarpus foetidus, Trillium sessile, Tiputinia foetida, Satyrium pumilum, Moraea lurida, Ferraria crispa

See also


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