butterfly fish
See also: butterflyfish
butterfly fish (plural butterfly fish or butterfly fishes)
- Any fish of the family Chaetodontidae.
- Pantodon buchholzi, a small brown fish of western African streams, often found in aquariums.
- The butterfly cod (Pterois volitans).
- The ocellated blenny (Opisthocentrus ocellatus).
- The flying gurnard (Dactyloptena orientalis).
- Exocoetus volitans, a flying fish of the Atlantic.
- A chiton, a mollusc of the class Polyplacophora.
- Any of several brightly colored fishes
any fish of the family Chaetodontidae
Pantodon buchholzi
See also
- butterfly fish on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
- Chaetodontidae on Wikipedia.Wikipedia - Chaetodontidae on Wikispecies.Wikispecies
- Pantodon buchholzi on Wikipedia.Wikipedia - Pantodon buchholzi on Wikispecies.Wikispecies
- Pterois volitans on Wikipedia.Wikipedia - Pterois volitans on Wikispecies.Wikispecies
- Prickleback on Wikipedia.Wikipedia - Stichaeidae on Wikispecies.Wikispecies
- Dactyloptena orientalis on Wikipedia.Wikipedia - Dactyloptena orientalis on Wikispecies.Wikispecies
- Exocoetus volitans on Wikipedia.Wikipedia - Exocoetus volitans on Wikispecies.Wikispecies
- Polyplacophora on Wikipedia.Wikipedia - Polyplacophora on Wikispecies.Wikispecies
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