


brand + soldat


brandsoldat c

  1. (informal) a firefighter
    Synonym: brandman c
    • 1998, “Jag ska bli en byråkrat [I will [shall] be a bureaucrat]”, in Lasse Åberg (lyrics), Janne Schaffer (music), Electric Banana Tajm [Electric Banana Time [with jocular Swedification of "time"]], performed by Electric Banana Band:
      En dag så fråga' [frågade] min mor: Vad ska du bli när du blir stor? En modig och stark brandsoldat? Nä, jag ska bli en byråkrat.
      One day my mother asked: What will you be when you grow up [shall you become when you become big]? A brave and strong firefighter? No, I will be a bureaucrat.


Declension of brandsoldat 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative brandsoldat brandsoldaten brandsoldater brandsoldaterna
Genitive brandsoldats brandsoldatens brandsoldaters brandsoldaternas

See also


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