


Affix of blipp + -a. Borrowed from English blip, with onomatopoeic origin.


A person who will blippa (scan) the bar code on a box.
A person who blippar (scan) their contactless paycard against a reader.

blippa (present blippar, preterite blippade, supine blippat, imperative blippa)

  1. To make a short blip sound. [since 2004]
    Coordinate term: pipa
    Datorn blippade till, är det bra?
    The computer blipped, is that good?
  2. To scan with a barcode reader. [since 2007]
    Synonyms: läsa, skanna
    Anna blippar varor snabbare än de andra kassörerna.
    Anna scans items faster than the other cashiers.
  3. (intransitive or transitive) Hold a card or device against a contactless reader, especially a payment card. [since 2015]
    Blippa kortet på läsaren.
    Touch the card against the reader.
    (literally, “Blip the card on the reader.”)



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