birth control


A satirical Victorian era postcard, where a woman swats away the stork which has brought her her child.


Margaret Sanger coined the term "birth control" in 1914, using it in the July 1914 issue of The Woman Rebel, and was criminally indicted for it in August 1914, under the Comstock Law for obscenity in print.[1]


birth control (uncountable)

  1. Voluntary control of the number of children conceived, especially by the planned use of contraception.
  2. Any technique used to prevent the birth of a child (such as abortion or preventing conception).


  • oligogenics

Derived terms

  • birth control glasses, BCG, BCGs, BC (US Navy standard issue eyeglass frames euphemistically referred to as "BC" or "birth control" due to their unattractiveness)
  • birth control pill


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See also


  1. PBS, The Pill, "Timeline: The Pill", American Experience (accessed 2014-10-30)
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