


bestiga (present bestiger, preterite besteg, supine bestigit, imperative bestig)

  1. to climb, to scale, to get to the top of (a mountain or the like)
    De besteg berget
    They climbed the mountain
  2. to mount (a riding animal or the like – rare for bicycles, where "sätta sig på" is more idiomatic)
    Synonym: sätta sig upp på
    Han besteg hästen
    He mounted his horse
  3. to mount (climb onto in order to mate with, of a quadruped)
    Synonyms: betäcka, para sig
    Elefanthanen besteg elefanthonan
    The male elephant mounted the female elephant
  4. (figuratively) to ascend (a throne or the like)
    Han besteg tronen
    He ascended the throne


Derived terms


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