
Middle Low German

FWOTD – 23 November 2016


From be- + schrîven.


  • (originally) IPA(key): /bəˈskriːvən/



  1. to write down, to note, to mark
    Unde alse id in vortiden umme harnnsch, wapin, were und kornnte, wo da malk hebben schal, gekundiget is, so schal men da fort an holden unde de rad wil dat beschriven unde hengen latin uppe eyn bred allhir vor dat hus.[1]
    Everyone shall henceforth maintain a status of armor, weapon, defence and grain as it is stated in former times, and the council will write this down and hang on a board here before the house.
  2. to report, to chronicle
  3. to describe
    Alle mine daghe sach ik ne voghel, de di in schonheit gelik was, wente dine vedderen ungelik mer schinen wen de pauwen stert, unde dine ogen schinen so de sterne, unde wol kan to vullen beschriven de gnade dines snavels.[2]
    Throughout my life I saw no bird that was as beautiful as you, for your feathers shine so much more than the peacock's tail, and your eyes shine like stars, and who can fully describe your beak's grace?
  4. to mock in writing



  1. Statute of the city of w:Göttingen, 1460.
    Quoted from: Rehbein, Malte: Göttinger Statuten im 15. Jahrhundert, dissertation for the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 2008, p.26.
  2. Fable of The Fox and the Raven by w:Aesop, unknown translator, 1492.
    Quoted from: Derendorf, Brigitte: Eine mittelniederdeutsche Bearbeitung von Heinrich Steinhöwels 'Esopus' und Niklas von Wyles 'Guiscard und Sigismunda', printed in: Niederdeutsche Studien Bd. 35, 1996, p. 303.
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