


From Bahreina (Bahrain) + -ietis.


bahreinietis m (2nd declension, feminine form: bahreiniete)

  1. a Bahraini man, a man from Bahrain or of Bahraini descent
    bahreinietis Jusefs Sāds Kamels, kurš vairāk zināms kā spēcīgs 800 m skrējējs, šoreiz startēja 1500 m distancē un sasniedza teicamu rezultātu: 3:32,83the Bahraini (man) Yusuf Saad Kamel, who is more known as a strong 800m runner, this time participated in the 1500 m race and obtained excellent results: 3:32,83
    ar ko bahreinieši un sīrieši sliktāki par Lībijas iedzīvotājiem?with what (= in what way) are the Bahraini and the Syrians worse than the inhabitants of Libya?
  2. (genitive plural): Bahraini, pertaining to Bahrain and its people
    bahreiniešu futbolistsa Bahraini football (soccer) player


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