ayaa (inanimate subject)
- be (in a certain place)
- (with a lexical preverb) be in a certain condition
Conjugation of ayaa
Independent | positive | negative |
singular (0s) | ayaa | ayaasinoon |
obviative singular (0's) | ayaani | ayaasinini |
plural (0p) | ayaawan | ayaasinoon |
obviative plural (0'p) | ayaaniwan | ayaasininiwan |
Conjunct | positive | negative |
singular or plural (0) | ayaag | ayaasinog |
obviative singular or plural (0') | ayaanig | ayaasininig |
Alternative forms
ayaa (animate subject)
- be (in a certain place)
- Miish eta go inzhishenh gaa-ayaad miinawaa wiiwan, miinawaa niizh ikwewag iko imaa gii-ayaawag, oshkiniigikweg.
- Then there was only my uncle and his wife, and there were two women, young women.
- (with a lexical preverb) be in a certain condition
Conjugation of ayaa
Independent | positive | negative |
1st person (1s) Niin | nindayaa | nindayaasii(n) |
2nd person (2s) Giin | gidayaa | gidayaasii(n) |
3rd person (3s) Wiin | ayaa | ayaasii(n) |
Obviative (3') | ayaawan | ayaasiiwan |
Indefinite (X) | ayaam | ayaasiim |
1st person plural exclusive (1p) Niinawind | nindayaamin | nindayaasiimin |
1st person plural inclusive (21) Giinawind | gidayaamin | gidayaasiimin |
2nd person plural (2p) Giinawaa | gidayaam | gidayaasiim |
3rd person plural (3p) Wiinawaa | ayaawag | ayaasiiwag |
Conjunct | positive | negative |
1st person (1s) Niin | ayaayaan | ayaasiwaan |
2nd person (2s) Giin | ayaayan/yin | ayaasiwan/siwin |
3rd person (3s) Wiin | ayaad | ayaasig |
Obviative (3') | ayaanid | ayaasinid/sinig |
Indefinite (X) | ayaang | ayaasing |
1st person plural exclusive (1p) Niinawind | ayaayaang | ayaasiwaang |
1st person plural inclusive (21) Giinawind | ayaayang/ying | ayaasiwang/siwing |
2nd person plural (2p) Giinawaa | ayaayeg | ayaasiweg |
3rd person plural (3p) Wiinawaa | ayaawaad | ayaasiwaad |
- The Ojibwe People's Dictionary https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/main-entry/ayaa-vii
- The Ojibwe People's Dictionary https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/main-entry/ayaa-vai
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