autant que



  • IPA(key): /o.tɑ̃ kə/
  • (file)


autant que

  1. as much as, as far as
    Travaillez autant que vous pourrez.Work as much as you can.
    Je le défends autant que je puis.I defend it as much as I can.
    • 2011, Jean-Pierre Cabestan, “L'Asie central vue de Chine [Central Asia viewed from China]”, in Relations internationales, volume 145, pages 53—70:
      les pays d’Asie centrale ne s’investissent pas autant que la Chine dans l’Organisation de coopération de Shanghai.
      The countries of Central Asia are not as invested as much as China [is] in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
    • 1857, Phillippe Athanase Cucheval-Clarigny, Histoire de la presse en Angleterre et aux États-Unis, page 472:
      Réunies en volumes, ces lettres ont été goûtées en Angleterre presque autant quaux États-Unis, et ont eu plusieurs éditions.
      Collected into volumes, these letters have been appreciated in England as much as in the United States, and have had several editions.
  2. as well as
    • 1683, Nicolas Boileau, Le Lutrin, volume IV:
      Pour moi, je lis la Bible autant que l’Alcoran.
      As for me, I read the Bible as well as the Quran.
  3. just as well, might as well/may as well
    Je n’ai rien à vous dire, alors autant que vous gardiez le silence.I have nothing to say to you, so you might as well keep silent.

Usage notes

The verb that follows autant que must be in the subjunctive form.

Derived terms

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