
See also: audzināšanā



From audzinā(t) (to bring up, to educate) + -šana.




audzināšana f (4th declension)

  1. education, educating (the process of educating, bringing up; set of methods used to educate); verbal noun of audzināt
    audzināšanas metodesmethods of education
    jaunatnes audzināšanas uzdevumithe tasks of the education of youth
    audzināšana ģimenē, darbāeducation in the family, at work
    fiziskā audzināšanaphysical education
  2. education, forming, shaping (the process of influencing or orienting the mental and spiritual growth of individuals in a desired direction, following certain principles)
    komunistiskā audzināšanacommunist education
    estētiskā audzināšanaaesthetical education
  3. development, nurturing (the process of developing a skill, a quality, a feeling)
    atbildības un pienākuma apziņas audzināšanathe development, nurturing of responsibility and a senes of duty



Derived terms

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