
See also: atkarībā



Calque of German Abhängigkeit (dependence), coined at the end of the 19th century from atkār(t) (to hang down) + -ība (with atkārt from at- + kārt (to hang)), together with the related term atkarīgs.[1]




atkarība f (4th declension)

  1. dependence (the state of that which is dependent, which is in the power, under the influence of someone, something, some country)
    koloniālā atkarībacolonial dependence
    materiālā atkarībamaterial dependence
    Kalnbirze apzinājās savu nevarību un pilnīgo atkarību no šīs sievietesKalnbirze was aware of his helplessness, of his full dependence of these women
  2. dependence (a logical causal relation)
    savstarpēja atkarībamutual dependence, interdependence
    formas atkarība no saturathe dependence of form on content
    augu valsts atkarība no ģeogrāfiskajiem apstākļiemthe dependence of vegetation on geographic circumstances
    temperatūras atkarība no dažādiem faktoriemthe dependence of temperature on several factors
  3. (in the locative, used adverbially) depending on, according to
    rīkoties atkarībā no asptākļiemto act according to circumstances
    Ilga saka jā, Ilga saka nē, Ilga vienkārši paloka vai pakrata galvu... atkarībā no jautājuma, atkarībā no iespējas atbildētIlga says yes, Ilga says no, Ilga nods or shakes her head... depending on the question, depending on the possibility of answering




  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “atkarība”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN
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