


architrave + -ed


architraved (not comparable)

  1. (architecture) Furnished with an architrave.
    • 1791, William Cowper (translator), The Odyssey of Homer, Book 7, lines 105-108, in The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, London: J. Johnson, Volume 2, p. 151,
      [] the doors were gold
      Which shut the palace fast; silver the posts
      Rear’d on a brazen threshold, and above,
      The lintels, silver, architraved with gold.
    • 1914, Gertrude Bell, chapter 5, in Palace and Mosque at Ukhaiḍir, Oxford: The Clarendon Press, page 130:
      The zone decoration becomes a pattern composed of innumerable groups of architraved and arched divisions, set one within the other, so as to cover the whole surface of the wall.


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