



  1. apostolic


Inflection of apostolisk
Positive Comparative Superlative
Indefinte common singular apostolisk 2
Indefinite neuter singular apostolisk 2
Plural apostoliske 2
Definite attributive1 apostoliske
1) When an adjective is applied predicatively to something definite, the corresponding "indefinite" form is used.
2) The "indefinite" superlatives may not be used attributively.


Norwegian Bokmål


From Latin apostolicus (apostolic; of or pertaining to an apostle), from Ancient Greek ἀποστολικός (apostolikós, apostolic). Equivalent to apostel + -isk, last part from Old Norse -iskr, from Proto-Germanic *-iskaz, from Proto-Indo-European *-iskos.

Cognate with French apostolique, Italian apostolico, Portuguese apostólico, Spanish apostólico and English apostolic.


  • IPA(key): /apʊsˈtuːlɪsk/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -ɪsk
  • Hyphenation: a‧po‧stol‧isk


apostolisk (neuter singular apostolisk, definite singular and plural apostoliske, comparative mer apostolisk, predicative superlative mest apostolisk, attributive superlative mest apostoliske)

  1. (religion, Christianity) apostolic (pertaining to apostles or their practice of teaching; pertaining to the apostles of early Christianity or their teachings)
    apostolisk kirkeapostolic church
    apostoliske brev (apostelbrev)apostolic letters
    de apostoliske fedrethe apostolic fathers
    apostolisk prefektapostolic prefect
    den apostoliske trosbekjennelsethe Apostles' Creed
    apostolisk vikarapostolic prefect (but with higher rank)
    apostolisk suksesjonapostolic succession
    • 1949, Aksel Sandemose, Alice Atkinson og hennes elskere, page 41:
      de ekte bildene skaper seg selv, og de falske krever apostolisk geni
      the real images create themselves, and the false ones demand apostolic genius
  2. (Roman Catholicism) apostolic, papal (of or pertaining to the pope or the papacy)
    Synonym: pavelig
    den apostoliske stolthe papacy
    • 1999, Elsbeth Wessel, Wien, page 121:
      apostolisk delegat og keiserlig rådgiver
      apostolic delegate and imperial adviser
  3. (figuratively) honorable, venerable (pertaining to the manner of the apostles and their way of being)
    • 1870, Arne Garborg, Mogning og manndom I, page 2:
      i apostolisk enighed og from overbærenhed med hinandens skrøbeligheder
      in apostolic agreement and pious indulgence with each other's fragility
    • 1882, Alexander L. Kielland, Skipper Worse, page 52:
      apostoliske gestalter af provster og præster
      apostolic figures of provosts and priests




apostel + -isk



  1. apostolic


Inflection of apostolisk
Indefinite Positive Comparative Superlative2
Common singular apostolisk
Neuter singular apostoliskt
Plural apostoliska
Masculine plural3 apostoliske
Definite Positive Comparative Superlative
Masculine singular1 apostoliske
All apostoliska
1) Only used, optionally, to refer to things whose natural gender is masculine.
2) The indefinite superlative forms are only used in the predicative.
3) Dated or archaic
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