


Analogous to allophone, allomorph, from allo- + Medieval Latin terminus (a term).


allotermin (plural allotermins)

  1. (linguistics), (terminology) Any of the different realisations of a termineme under a specific domain or environment. For instance, [MORPHOLOGY]TERM is an abstract unit (i.e., termineme) with the meaning of "the study of forms of ..."; however, it gets alloterminalized as "the science of forms of living organisms" under biology, "the study of forms of words" under linguistics, "the general theory of form or formation" under philosophy, and "the science of forms of chemicals" under chemistry.
Representation of termineme “morphology" and its allotermins



  • Yalap, H. & Biçer, Y. (2022). Phrasal loan translation terms in the master’s theses on teaching Turkish as a foreign language. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 10(1). 162-190.
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