allasammans - also allasamman, allesamman, allesammans
- everybody, all of us/you/them (alla + samman)
- vackra unga män allasammans, ryttare som red på hästar.
- all of them desirable young men, horsemen riding upon horses. (Ezekiel 23:6)
- Väktarna här är allasammans blinda, de har inget förstånd; de är allasammans stumma hundar, som icke kunna skälla;
- His watchmen [are] blind: they are all ignorant, they [are] all dumb dogs, they cannot bark (Isaiah 56:10)
- vackra unga män allasammans, ryttare som red på hästar.
Usage notes
- All four forms are entirely synonymous; allesammans is the most commonly used today, but allasammans is the form used (all 132 times) in the Swedish Bible translation of 1917.
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