all rights reserved
Audio (AU) (file)
- (idiomatic, law) The copyright holder of a creative work reserves all copyright-related rights, typically including the right to publish the work, to make derivative works of it, to distribute it, to make profit from it, to license a number of these rights to other people, and to forbid these uses by any unauthorized people, thus being entitled to take legal action against infringement.
Usage notes
- Formerly used as a notice to protect a publisher's copyright.
- Not required in countries that are party to the Berne Convention as of 2000.
Derived terms
- all rights reversed
- no rights reserved
- some rights reserved
copyright notice formula
See also
all rights reserved on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
Buenos Aires Convention on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
This article is issued from Wiktionary. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.