Borrowed from Latin alphabētum, from Ancient Greek ἀλφάβητος (alphábētos).
Derived terms
- alfabètic
- alfabèticament
- alfabet fonètic
- Alfabet Fonètic Internacional
Further reading
- “alfabet” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
- “alfabet”, in Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana, Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2024
- “alfabet” in Diccionari normatiu valencià, Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.
- “alfabet” in Diccionari català-valencià-balear, Antoni Maria Alcover and Francesc de Borja Moll, 1962.
Ultimately from Ancient Greek ἀλφάβητος (alphábētos, “alphabet”). This etymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.
alfabet m
- (Sette Comuni) alphabet
- Dar alfabet ist de stiiga bon littarn.
- The alphabet is a ladder, and the rungs are letters.
- “alfabet” in Martalar, Umberto Martello, Bellotto, Alfonso (1974) Dizionario della lingua Cimbra dei Sette Communi vicentini, 1st edition, Roana, Italy: Instituto di Cultura Cimbra A. Dal Pozzo
neuter gender |
Singular | Plural | ||
indefinite | definite | indefinite | definite | |
nominative | alfabet | alfabetet | alfabeter | alfabeterne |
genitive | alfabets | alfabetets | alfabeters | alfabeternes |
Derived terms
- alfabetisere
- “alfabet” in Den Danske Ordbog
Alternative forms
- alphabet (dated)
From Middle Dutch alphabeet, from Latin alphabētum, from Ancient Greek ἀλφάβητος (alphábētos).
- IPA(key): /ˈɑl.faːˌbɛt/
audio (file) - Hyphenation: al‧fa‧bet
Derived terms
Related terms
From Dutch alfabet, from Late Latin alphabētum, from Ancient Greek ἀλφάβητος (alphábētos).
Audio (file)
From English alphabet, from Late Latin alphabētum, from Ancient Greek ἀλφάβητος (alphábētos).
- IPA(key): /alfabet/
- Rhymes: -alfabet, -fabet, -abet, -bet, -et
alfabet (Jawi spelling الفابت, plural alfabet-alfabet, informal 1st possessive alfabetku, 2nd possessive alfabetmu, 3rd possessive alfabetnya)
Further reading
- “alfabet” in Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu | Malay Literary Reference Centre, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2017.
Norwegian Bokmål
From Late Latin alphabētum, from Ancient Greek ἀλφάβητος (alphábētos), from ἄλφα (álpha) and βῆτα (bêta), the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, from Phoenician and Classical Hebrew aleph (ox) and beth (house), so called because their shape resembled or represented these objects.
- IPA(key): /alfabeːt/, [ɑl.fɑ.ˈbeːt]
alfabet n (definite singular alfabetet, indefinite plural alfabet or alfabeter, definite plural alfabeta or alfabetene)
- alphabet (an ordered set of letters used in a language)
- Skal man lese må man kunne alfabetet.
- If you want to read you have to know the alphabet.
- Det latinske og kyrilliske alfabetet.
- The Latin and Cyrillic alphabet.
- bokstavrekke, skrift
Derived terms
- alfabetisk
- alfabetisere
- det internasjonale fonetiske alfabetet
- morsealfabet
Related terms
- “alfabet” in The Ordnett Dictionary
- “alfabet” in The Bokmål Dictionary / The Nynorsk Dictionary.
- Douglas Harper (2001–2024) “alphabet”, in Online Etymology Dictionary.
Norwegian Nynorsk
From Late Latin alphabētum, from Ancient Greek ἀλφάβητος (alphábētos), from alpha and beta, the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, from Phoenician and Classical Hebrew aleph (ox) and beth (house), so called because their shape resembled or represented these objects.
- IPA(key): /alfabeːt/, [ɑl.fɑ.ˈbeːt]
alfabet n (definite singular alfabetet, indefinite plural alfabet, definite plural alfabeta)
- alphabet (an ordered set of letters used in a language)
- Skal ein lese må ein kunne alfabetet.
- If you want to read you have to know the alphabet.
- Det latinske og kyrilliske alfabetet.
- The Latin and Cyrillic alphabet.
- bokstavrekkje, skrift
Derived terms
- alfabetisk
- alfabetisere
- det internasjonale fonetiske alfabetet
- morsealfabet
Related terms
- “alfabet” in The Ordnett Dictionary
- “alfabet” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.
- Douglas Harper (2001–2024) “alphabet”, in Online Etymology Dictionary.
From Latin alphabētum, from Ancient Greek ἀλφάβητος (alphábētos).
- IPA(key): [alfaˈβet]
Audio (file)
Related terms
Borrowed from German Alphabet or French alphabet,[1] from Latin alphabētum,[2] from Byzantine Greek ἀλφάβητον (alphábēton), from the accusative of Koine Greek ἀλφάβητος (alphábētos), from Ancient Greek ἄλφα (álpha, “alpha”) + βῆτα (bêta, “beta”).[3][4] First attested in 1624–1639.[2]
- IPA(key): /alˈfa.bɛt/
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -abɛt
- Syllabification: al‧fa‧bet
alfabet m inan
- (linguistics) alphabet (collection of letters in a given order)
- Synonym: abecadło
- alphabet, ABC (rudimentary knowledge of a given field)
- Synonyms: abc, abecadło, elementarz, podstawy
- na bazie alfabetu ― based on an alphabet
- nadawany alfabetem ― relayed by alphabet
- drukować/wydrukowany alfabetem ― printed in an alphabet
- opisany alfabetem ― described in an alphabet
- wydany alfabetem ― published in ann alphabet
- zmodyfikowany alfabet ― a modified alphabet
- literowy alfabet ― a letter alphabet
- uzbecki alfabet ― Uzbek alphabet
- Międzynarodowy Alfabet Fonetyczny ― the International Phonetic alphabet
- Slawistyczny Alfabet Fonetyczny ― the Slavic Phonetic Alphabet
- chiński alfabet ― Chinese alphabet
- polski alfabet ― Polish alphabet
- cały alfabet ― the whole alphabet
- klasyczny alfabet ― a classical alphabet
- starożytny alfabet ― an ancient alphabet
- najstarszy alfabet ― the oldest alphabet
- litewski alfabet ― Lithuanian alphabet
- własny alfabet ― one’s ownalphabet
- rodzimy alfabet ― a native alphabet
- współczesny alfabet ― a modern alphabet
- oryginalny alfabet ― an original alphabet
- standardowy alfabet ― a standard alphabet
- skończony alfabet ― a finite alphabet
- japoński alfabet ― Japanese alphabet
- obcy alfabet ― a foreign alphabet
- swoisty alfabet ― a peculiar alphabet
- specjalny alfabet ― a special alphabet
- oficjalny alfabet ― an official alphabet
- zwykły alfabet ― an ordinaryalphabet
- osobisty alfabet ― a personal alphabet
- europejski alfabet ― a European alphabet
- nowy alfabet ― a new alphabet
- pełny alfabet ― a full alphabet
- podstawowy alfabet ― a basic alphabet
- ludzki alfabet ― a human alphabet
- mały alfabet ― a little alphabet
- stary alfabet ― an old alphabet
- pierwszy alfabet ― the first alphabet
- alfabet palcowy ― a finger alphabet
- alfabet sylabiczny/sylabowy ― a syllabic alphabet
- alfabet runiczny ― a runic alphabet
- alfabet semaforowy ― a semaphore alphabet
- alfabet migowy ― sign alphabet
- alfabet głuchoniemy ― manual alphabet
- alfabet tajny ― a secret alphabet
- alfabet łaciński ― Latin alphabet
- alfabet fenicki ― Phoenician alphabet
- alfabet cyrylicki ― Cyrillic alphabet
- alfabet hebrajski ― Hebraic alphabet
- alfabet grecki ― Greek alphabet
- alfabet ugarycki ― ugaritic alphabet
- alfabet arabski ― arabic alphabet
- alfabet etruski ― Etruscan alphabet
- alfabet spółgłoskowy ― consonantal alphabet
- alfabet dewanagari ― Devangari alphabet
- alfabet ujgurski ― Uigurian alphabet
- alfabet ormiański ― Armenian alphabet
- alfabet kaszubski ― Kashubian alphabet
- alfabet gruziński ― Georgian alphabet
- alfabet husycki ― Hussite alphabet
- alfabet górnołużycki ― Upper Lusatian alphabet
- alfabet gocki ― Gothic alphabet
- alfabet starogrecki ― Ancient Greek alphabet
- alfabet klinowy ― cuniform alphabet
- alfabet aramejski ― Aramaic alphabet
- alfabet mongolski ― Mongolian alphabet
- alfabet wietnamski ― Vietnamese alphabet
- alfabet joński ― Ionic alphabet
- alfabet środkowoeuropejski ― Central European alphabet
- alfabet etiopski ― Ethiopian alphabet
- alfabet semicki ― Semitic alphabet
- alfabet łotewski ― Latvian alphabet
- alfabet tatarski ― Tatar alphabet
- alfabet serbski ― Serbian alphabet
- alfabet rosyjski ― Russian alphabet
- alfabet koreański ― Korean alphabet
- alfabet kataloński ― Catalan alphabet
- alfabet egipski ― Egyptian alphabet
- alfabet ukraiński ― Ukrainian alphabet
- alfabet bułgarski ― Bulgarian alphabet
- alfabet albański ― Albanian alphabet
- alfabet turecki ― Turkish/Turkic alphabet
- alfabet macedoński ― Macedonian alphabet
- alfabet duński ― Danish alphabet
- alfabet rumuński ― Romanian alphabet
- alfabet czeski ― Czech alphabet
- alfabet angielski ― English alphabet
- alfabet białoruski ― Belarusian alphabet
- alfabet hiszpański ― Spanish alphabet
- alfabet słowacki ― Slovak alphabet
- alfabet śląski ― Silesian alphabet
- alfabet szwedzki ― Swedish alphabet
- alfabet niemiecki ― German alphabet
- alfabet francuski ― French alphabet
- alfabet rzymski ― Roman alphabet
- alfabet zachodni ― western alphabet
- alfabet narodowy ― national alphabet
- litera/literka alfabetu ― a letter of an alphabet
- znak alfabetu ― a sign/diacritic of an alphabet
- transliteracja alfabetu ― transliteration of an alphabet
- wynalazca alfabetu ― an alphabet's inventor/creator
- wynalazek alfabetu ― the invention/creation of alphabet
- znajomość alfabetu ― familiarity with/knowledge of an alphabet
- transkrypcja alfabetu ― transcription of an alphabet
- tajniki alfabetu ― the ins and outs of an alphabet
- twórca alfabetu ― the creator of an alphabet
- nauka alfabetu ― learning an alphabet
- użycie alfabetu ― use of an alphabet
- początek alfabetu ― the beginning/start of an alphabet
- koniec alfabetu ― the end of an alphabet
- wariant alfabetu ― a variant of an alphabet
- wersja alfabetu ― a version of an alphabet
- powstanie alfabetu ― the creation/arising of an alphabet
- symbol alfabetu ― a symbol of an alphabet
- kolejność alfabetu ― the order of an alphabet
- część alfabetu ― part of an alphabet
- autor alfabetu ― the author/creator of an alphabet
- forma alfabetu ― a form of an alphabet
- element alfabetu ― an element of an alphabet
- reszta alfabetu ― the rest of analphabet
- zmiana alfabetu ― a change to an alphabet
- podstawy alfabetu ― the basics of an alphabet
- historia alfabetu ― the history of an alphabet
- alfabet Brajla/Braille'a/brajlowski ― braille
- alfabet Morsa/Morse'a ― Morse code
- alfabet HangulHangul ― alphabet
- alfabet języka ― the alphabet of a language
- wystukiwać alfabetem Morse’a ― to tap out Morse code
- poznawać/poznać alfabet ― to learn/get to know an alphabet
- używać alfabetu ― to use alphabet
- zapisywać/zapisać alfabetem ― to write down in an alphabet
- przejąć alfabet ― to take alphabet
- wynaleźć alfabet ― to invent/create/come up with an alphabet
- znać alfabet ― to know alphabet
- uczyć/nauczyć alfabet ― to teach alphabet
- uczyć się/nauczyć się alfabetu ― to learn alphabet
- opracować alfabet ― to develop/work on an alphabet
- zawdzięczać alfabet komuś ― to owe an alphabet to someone (to have because of)
- wymyślić alfabet ― to come up with/think up an alphabet
- tworzyć/stworzyć alfabet ― to create alphabet
- wprowadzić alfabet ― to introduce an alphabet
- posługiwać alfabetem ― to use/make use of alphabet
- przypominać alfabet ― to resemble/look like an alphabet
- stosować alfabet ― to use an alphabet
- zastąpić alfabet ― to replace an alphabet
- umieć alfabet ― to know/be able to use an alphabet
- pisać/napisać/spisać alfabetem ― to write in an alphabet
- przyjąć alfabet ― to accept/take an alphabet
- zakodować alfabetem ― to code in an alphabet
- dostosować alfabetu do czegoś ― to adjust/adapt an alphabet
- wchodzić/wejść w skład alfabetu ― to be a part of an alphabet
- alfabet składa się z iluś liter ― an alphabet consists of some number of letters
- alfabet powstał ― an alphabet came about
- alfabet rozpowszechnił się ― an alphabet spread
- Bańkowski, Andrzej (2000) “alfabet”, in Etymologiczny słownik języka polskiego [Etymological Dictionary of the Polish Language] (in Polish)
- Barbara Rykiel-Kempf (08.02.2018) “ALFABET”, in Elektroniczny Słownik Języka Polskiego XVII i XVIII Wieku [Electronic Dictionary of the Polish Language of the XVII and XVIII Century]
- Mirosław Bańko, Lidia Wiśniakowska (2021) “alfabet”, in Wielki słownik wyrazów obcych, →ISBN
- Witold Doroszewski, editor (1958–1969), “alfabet”, in Słownik języka polskiego (in Polish), Warszawa: PWN
Further reading
- alfabet in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
- alfabet in Polish dictionaries at PWN
- Samuel Bogumił Linde (1807–1814) “alfabet”, in Słownik języka polskiego
- Aleksander Zdanowicz (1861) “alfabet”, in Słownik języka polskiego, Wilno 1861
- J. Karłowicz, A. Kryński, W. Niedźwiedzki, editors (1900), “alfabet”, in Słownik języka polskiego (in Polish), volume 1, Warsaw, page 24
Borrowed from French alphabet, from Latin alphabetum.
- IPA(key): /alfaˈbet/
singular | plural | |||
indefinite articulation | definite articulation | indefinite articulation | definite articulation | |
nominative/accusative | (un) alfabet | alfabetul | (niște) alfabete | alfabetele |
genitive/dative | (unui) alfabet | alfabetului | (unor) alfabete | alfabetelor |
vocative | alfabetule | alfabetelor |
Derived terms
From Late Latin alphabētum, from Ancient Greek ἀλφάβητος (alphábētos).
- IPA(key): /alfǎbeːt/
- Hyphenation: al‧fa‧bet
Derived terms
- “alfabet” in Hrvatski jezični portal
- IPA(key): /ˈalfaˌbeːt/
Audio (file)
Declension of alfabet | ||||
Singular | Plural | |||
Indefinite | Definite | Indefinite | Definite | |
Nominative | alfabet | alfabetet | alfabet | alfabeten |
Genitive | alfabets | alfabetets | alfabets | alfabetens |
Further reading
- alfabet in Svensk ordbok.
West Frisian
- IPA(key): /ˈɔlfabɛt/, /ˈalfabɛt/
Further reading
- “alfabet”, in Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal (in Dutch), 2011