
See also: alala, Alala, alalà, and ʻalalā


FWOTD – 26 October 2015




  • IPA(key): /ˈla/


alalá m (plural alalás)

  1. (music) a traditional type of chant from Galicia, characterised by the use of meaningless vocalisations at the refrain or chorus
    • 1961, Diccionario enciclopédico gallego-castellano, Editorial Galaxia, →ISBN, page 99:
      ¡Ai, o alalá, miña santa, cántase cando se chora; chórase cando se canta!
      Alas! the alalá, my darling, is sung when crying; it's cried when singing!
    • 2014, Francisco X. Fernández Naval, Maribel Longueira, As crebas: Outro xeito de andar ao mar, Baía Edicións, page 73:
      [] , un alalá ignorado polo resto dos homes.
      [] , an alalá ignored by the rest of the men.
    • Catro vellos mariñeiros (traditional song):
      Catro vellos mariñeiros
      todos metidos nun bote
      voga, voga, mariñeiro
      vamos pra Viveiro
      'xa se ve San Roque;
      voga, voga, mariñeiro
      vamos pra Viveiro
      xa se ve San Roque.
      Ai, lalelo, ai, lalalelo!
      Ai, lalelo, ai, lalalá!
      Ai, lalelo, ai, lalalelo!
      Ai, lalalelo, ai, lalalá!

See also


  1. Joan Coromines, José A. Pascual (1983–1991) “alarido”, in Diccionario crítico etimológico castellano e hispánico (in Spanish), Madrid: Gredos
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