al pari di
Literally, “at the equal of”.
Prepositional phrase
- like, as... as
- sei intelligente al pari di Lawrence
- you are as intelligent as Lawrence (is)
- 2020, Barack Obama, chapter 14, in Chicca Galli, Paolo Lucca, Giuseppe Maugeri, transl., Una terra promessa [A Promised Land], Garzanti Libri:
- Al pari di Angela Merkel, Sarkozy si era fatto strada fino a diventare il capo del centro-destra, vincendo le elezioni presidenziali con una piattaforma che includeva politiche economiche liberiste, maggiore flessibilità sul lavoro, un taglio delle tasse e uno Stato assistenziale meno pervasivo.
- Like Merkel, Sarkozy had made his name as a leader of the center right, winning the presidency on a platform of laissez-faire economics, looser labor regulations, lower taxes, and a less pervasive welfare state.
- (literally, “Like Angela Merkel, Sarkozy made his way to becoming the head of the center right, winning the presidential election with a platform that included liberalist economic policies, great work flexibility, a tax cut and a less pervasive welfare state.”)
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