From akcents, made into a 2nd-conjugation verb (ending -ēt).
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akcentēt (transitive, 2nd conjugation, present akcentēju, akcentē, akcentē, past akcentēju)
- (linguistics) to accentuate, to stress (to pronounce a word or syllable with more emphasis)
- akcentēt vārda pirmo zilbi ― to stress a word's first syllable
- loģiski akcentēts vārds ― a logically stressed word
- (music) to accentuate, to stress (to emphasize a part of a melody)
- ar pēkšņiem elpas sitieniem izveidojas akcentēts dziedājums ― accented singing is formed with sudden breath pulses
- to stress, to accentuate (to highlight a thought, an idea, a formal element, etc.)
- akcentēt savu domu ― to stress his thought
- asi akcentēts ritms ― a sharply stressed rhythm
- akcentēt mācību vielā svarīgāko ― to highlight the most important (part) in the teaching material
- akcentēt gleznā kompozīcijas centru ― to highlight the composition center in a painting
- partikulu kopas “nu gan” un “gan nu” akcentē gan atsevišķas teikuma daļas, gan arī visa teikuma saturu ― the particle combinations “nu gan” and “gan nu” highlight both a specific part and the whole content of a sentence
conjugation of akcentēt
Derived terms
- prefixed verbs:
- izakcentēt
- pārakcentēt
Related terms
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