

ʼah- (reciprocal) + -aʼ- (lending to) + -di- (thematic) + -ee- (ni-modal 3rd person subject prefix) + -d- (classifier) + -ʼaah (imperfective stem of root -ʼĄ́, “to handle SRO”).



  1. to make a treaty with them, to enter into an agreement with them, to enter into a contract with him/them


Paradigm: Momentaneous (ni/ni), with partial da-shift.

IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person ahadiʼnishtʼaah ahadiʼniitʼaah ahadadiʼniitʼaah
2nd person ahadiʼnítʼaah ahadiʼnohtʼaah ahadadiʼnohtʼaah
3rd person ahaʼdeetʼaah ahadaʼdeetʼaah
4th person ahazhʼdeetʼaah ahadazhʼdeetʼaah
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person ahadiʼnishtʼą́ ahadiʼniitʼą́ ahadadiʼniitʼą́
2nd person ahadííńʼnítʼą́ ahadiʼnoohtʼą́ ahadadiʼnoohtʼą́
3rd person ahaʼdeetʼą́ ahadaʼdeestʼą́
4th person ahazhʼdeetʼą́ ahadazhʼdeestʼą́
FUTURE singular duoplural plural
1st person ahadiʼdeeshtʼááł ahadiʼdiitʼááł ahadadiʼdiitʼááł
2nd person ahadiʼdíítʼááł ahadiʼdoohtʼááł ahadadiʼdoohtʼááł
3rd person ahadiʼdootʼááł ahadadiʼdootʼááł
4th person ahadizhʼdootʼááł ahadadizhʼdootʼááł

Note: the glottal stop of position I (or possibly IV, the “unspecified object” prefix) hops after the di- of position VI when that syllable is not immediately pre-stem.

Verbal stems

  • IMPERFECTIVE: -tʼaah
  • PERFECTIVE: -tʼą́
  • FUTURE: -tʼááł
  • ITERATIVE: -tʼááh
  • OPTATIVE: -tʼááł



  1. treaty
  2. contract, agreement
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