


Through German abonnieren, from French s’abonner (subscribe).


abonnere (imperative abonner, infinitive at abonnere, present tense abonnerer, past tense abonnerede, perfect tense har abonneret)

  1. to subscribe



  • (file)



  1. (dated or formal) singular present subjunctive of abonneren


Norwegian Bokmål


From German abonnieren (subscribe), from French abonner (subscribe), from Old French aboner, from bodne.


  • IPA(key): /abʊˈneːrə/
  • (file)
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -eːrə
  • Hyphenation: ab‧on‧ne‧re


abonnere (passive abonneres, imperative abonner, present tense abonnerer, simple past abonnerte, past participle abonnert, present participle abonnerende, verbal noun abonnering)

  1. to subscribe (order, ensure regular delivery of something for a certain period of time, such as a newspaper, theater or concert tickets, payment services on TV, etc.)
    abonnere på aviser og tidsskriftersubscribe to newspapers and magazines
    skoleelever kan abonnere på fruktschool students can subscribe to fruit
    abonnere på en YouTube-kanalsubscribe to a YouTube channel
    • 1917, Halfdan Kjerulf, Av hans efterladte papirer 1831–1847, page 89:
      i theatret har man abonneret til fredagsforestillingerne «for at faae de kongelige fremmede at see»
      in the theater, people have subscribed to the Friday performances "to get the royal strangers to see"
    • 1917, Knut Hamsun, Markens Grøde I, page 206:
      hun [bad] ham om at abonnere paa et blad, et Bergensblad, saa hun kunde se nyt fra verden
      she [asked] him to subscribe to a magazine, a Bergen magazine, so that she could see news from the world
    • 2015 January 10, Aftenposten, page 4:
      53 millioner mennesker, fordelt på nesten 50 land, abonnerer på [strømmetjenesten] Netflix
      53 million people, spread across nearly 50 countries, subscribe to the [streaming service] Netflix
    • 2017, Stig Aasvik, Lofotveggen, page 153:
      abonnere på økologiske matkasser
      subscribe to organic food boxes
    • 2019, Marte Spurkland, Pappas runer, page 140:
      for å holde russisken ved like begynte han å abonnere på [avisen] Pravda
      to keep the Russian at bay, he began subscribing to [the newspaper] Pravda
  2. (colloquial) to secure, order
    • 1907, Alexander L. Kielland, Samlede værker I (Mindeutgave), page 177:
      saa abonnerer jeg med det samme paa en plads i vognen for imorgen
      then I immediately subscribe to a place in the carriage for tomorrow



Norwegian Nynorsk


abonnere (present tense abonnerer, past tense abonnerte, past participle abonnert, passive infinitive abonnerast, present participle abonnerande, imperative abonner)

  1. e-infinitive form of abonnera
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