- IPA(key): /abaldun/ [a.β̞al̪.d̪ũn]
- Rhymes: -aldun
- Hyphenation: a‧bal‧dun
Declension of abaldun (animate, ending in consonant)
indefinite | singular | plural | |
absolutive | abaldun | abalduna | abaldunak |
ergative | abaldunek | abaldunak | abaldunek |
dative | abalduni | abaldunari | abaldunei |
genitive | abaldunen | abaldunaren | abaldunen |
comitative | abaldunekin | abaldunarekin | abaldunekin |
causative | abaldunengatik | abaldunarengatik | abaldunengatik |
benefactive | abaldunentzat | abaldunarentzat | abaldunentzat |
instrumental | abaldunez | abaldunaz | abaldunez |
inessive | abaldunengan | abaldunarengan | abaldunengan |
locative | — | — | — |
allative | abaldunengana | abaldunarengana | abaldunengana |
terminative | abaldunenganaino | abaldunarenganaino | abaldunenganaino |
directive | abaldunenganantz | abaldunarenganantz | abaldunenganantz |
destinative | abaldunenganako | abaldunarenganako | abaldunenganako |
ablative | abaldunengandik | abaldunarengandik | abaldunengandik |
partitive | abaldunik | — | — |
prolative | abalduntzat | — | — |
Further reading
- "abaldun" in Euskaltzaindiaren Hiztegia [Dictionary of the Basque Academy], euskaltzaindia.eus
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