a sors fintora



a (the) + sors (fate) + fintor (grimace) + -a (of, possessive suffix)


  • IPA(key): [ɒ ˈʃorʃ ˈfintorɒ]


a sors fintora

  1. (idiomatic) irony, twist of fate, quirk of fate

Usage notes

  • An adjective may also be inserted between the two nouns:
    a sors különös fintoraa strange quirk of fate
  • The order of words may be switched in certain sentence structures. In this case, the suffix -nak has to be appended to sors to indicate the possessive relation:
    Micsoda fintora a sorsnak!What an irony!


  • For the possessive noun, see fintora.
  • The rest of the phrase remains unchanged.
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