a mo' di



Contraction of a modo di.


  • IPA(key): /a‿mˈmɔ di/


a mo' di

  1. like, as, by way of
    Synonym: come
    • 2007, David Foster Wallace, “La persona depressa [The Depressed Person]”, in Ottavio Fatica, Giovanna Granato, transl., Brevi interviste con uomini schifosi [Brief Interviews with Hideous Men], Einaudi:
      I genitori della persona depressa, ad esempio, che avevano divorziato quando lei era bambina, l'avevano usata a mo' di pedina nei loro giochi perversi, come quando la persona depressa aveva avuto bisogno di ortodonzia e ciascun genitore aveva dichiarato ─ non senza ragione, aggiungeva sempre la persona depressa, viste le ambiguità medico-legali degli accordi di divorzio ─ che doveva essere l'altro a pagarne le spese.
      The depressed person's parents, for example, who had divorced when she was a child, had used her as a pawn in the sick games they played, as in when the depressed person had required orthodontics and each parent had claimed ─ not without some cause, the depressed person always inserted, given the medical-legal ambiguities of the divorce settlement ─ that the other should pay for it.
      (literally, “The depressed person's parents, for example, who had divorced when she was a child, had used her as a pawn in their perverse games, like when the depressed person had needed orthodontics and each parent had declared ─ not without reason, the depressed person always added, seeing the medical-legal ambiguities of the divorce accords ─ that it had to be the other to pay for its expenses.”)


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