Blend of Trek (“Star Trek”) + technological.
Treknological (comparative more Treknological, superlative most Treknological)
- (fandom slang) Of, related to, or characteristic of Treknology.
- 2012, Mark Clark, Star Trek FAQ: Everything Left to Know About the First Voyages of the Starship Enterprise, unnumbered page:
- While these Treknological wonders were introduced as story devices, they also serve as testaments to Roddenberry's faith in the potential of human intellect.
- 2017, Bob Rehak, “From Model Building to 3D Printing: Star Trek and Build Code Across the Analog/Digital Divide”, in Melissa A. Click, Suzanne Scott, editors, The Routledge Companion to Media Fandom, unnumbered page:
- […] and debating details of accuracy ranging from paint schemes and decal placement to the configuration of warp nacelles and colors of running lights. Indeed, the latter area directly inherits a tradition of "Treknological" argument in which fans' endless charting and policing of the franchise's timeline and established “facts” function not so much as a stabilizing force but an arena of contestation and negotiation between canonical and fanonical spheres of knowledge, enacted both in material and virtual forms.
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