- abricot (literally translates to "apricot")
- affaire
- amande (literally translates to "almond")
- angora
- antre d’amour (literally translates as "cave of love")
- as de carreau (literally translates to "ace of diamonds")
- atelier (literally translates to "workshop")
- aumônière
- balafre
- barbichette
- barbichu
- barbiquet
- barbu
- bengali
- bénitier
- bizoune
- berlingot
- bijou (literally translates to "jewel")
- biniou
- blason
- boîte à ouvrage
- bonbonnière
- boutique
- bouton de rose (literally translates to "rosebud")
- chagatte
- chatte (literally translates to "cat")
- cheminée
- chnéque
- choune
- con
- conicle
- connasse
- connin
- conque
- coquillage (literally translates to "shell")
- craille
- cramouille
- divertissoire
- escalopes
- fente
- figue
- fissure
- forêt noire
- forêt vierge
- forêt de Brocéliande
- forge à cocus
- fouffe
- foufoune
- foufounette
- foune
- founette
- fourreau
- fraise (literally translates to "strawberry")
- framboise (literally translates to "raspberry")
- frifri
- gagne-pain
- garage à bites
- jardin secret
- kiki
- marguerite (literally translates to "daisy")
- mijole
- miche
- mille-feuilles
- minch
- minette
- minou
- motte
- moulache
- moule (literally translates to "mussel")
- moumoune
- nénette
- œil du cyclope
- perle (literally translates to "pearl")
- pépette
- pissette
- pissou
- portefeuille à moustaches
- pot à miel (literally translates to "honeypot")
- puits d’amour
- prunette
- pudenda
- raie
- raminagrobis
- rose (literally translates to "rose")
- rossignol
- sadinet
- saint-frusquin
- salle de jeux
- tablier de sapeur
- tarte aux poils (literally translates to "hairs pie")
- touffe (literally translates to "tuft")
- triangle [⇒ thesaurus] (literally translates to "triangle")
- trou à crinière
- vagin
- zézette
- zigouigoui
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