- aikamoisesti
- hirveästi
- huomattavasti
- kovasti
- mahtavasti
- melko lailla
- monta (countable only, see also moni)
- paljon
- pilvin pimein
- reippaasti
- runsaasti
- solkenaan
- useita (countable only)
- valtavasti
- hemona
- himona
- himosti
- jäätävästi
- sairaasti
- sikana
Usage notes
- Most curses and cuss words could be suffixed with -sti or -na and added to the list. See, for example, hitosti, vitusti, or even homona.
- An adjective describing a given thing may also be suffixed with -naan (-na with a possessive suffix) and used. You could say that ground covered in snakes was käärmeitä mustanaan, roughly "black with snakes".
Related terms
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