- blatant
- blingish
- brash
- catchpenny
- chichi
- chintzy
- crude [⇒ thesaurus]
- flashy
- flaunting
- florid
- flossy
- froufrou
- garish
- gay [⇒ thesaurus]
- glaring
- gross
- gussied up
- jazzy
- kitschy
- loud
- meretricious
- obtrusive
- ostentatious
- pizazzy
- pretentious
- ritzy
- raffish
- showy
- snazzy
- splendiferous
- tasteless
- tawdry
- tinselly
- too much
- whorish
- zesty
See also
Further reading
- “851. vulgarity” in Roget's Thesaurus, T. Y. Crowell Co., 1911.
- “gaudy” in Moby Thesaurus II, Grady Ward, 1996.
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