- avian
- bird
- birdie (diminutive)
- feathered friend
- fowl [⇒ thesaurus] (archaic)
- Larger groups
- bird of prey [⇒ thesaurus]
- fowl [⇒ thesaurus]
- gamefowl
- hummingbird [⇒ thesaurus]
- parrot [⇒ thesaurus]
- passerine [⇒ thesaurus]
- ratite [⇒ thesaurus]
- seabird [⇒ thesaurus]
- shorebird [⇒ thesaurus]
- warbler
- waterfowl
- wildfowl
- songbird [⇒ thesaurus]
- Smaller groups
- 'elepaio
- adjutant
- albatross
- ani
- aracari
- auk
- auklet
- barbet
- bellbird
- bittern
- booby
- bronzewing
- bulbul
- bush-hen
- buttonquail
- chough
- cockatiel
- cockatoo
- condor
- cassowary
- cormorant
- coua
- coucal
- coot
- crake
- crow
- cuckoo
- darter
- dikkop
- diver
- diving-petrel
- dove
- duck
- eagle
- earthcreeper
- egret
- eider
- elaenia
- emerald
- erne
- euphonia
- falcon
- finch
- flameback
- flamingo
- flicker
- flufftail
- frigatebird
- frogmouth
- fulmar
- gallinule
- gannet
- goatsucker
- go-away-bird
- grebe
- guillemot
- gull
- hawk
- hemipode
- heron
- honeycreeper
- honeyguide
- hornbill
- hummingbird [⇒ thesaurus]
- ibis
- jacamar
- jackdaw
- jay
- kestrel
- kiwi
- koel
- kookaburra
- loon
- lorikeet
- lory
- macaw
- magpie
- malkoha
- moa
- mollymawk
- moorhen
- mousebird
- murrelet
- native-hen
- needletail
- nighthawk
- nightjar
- noddy
- nunbird
- nunnet
- owl
- parakeet
- parrot [⇒ thesaurus]
- parrotlet
- pauraque
- pelican
- penguin
- petrel
- piculet
- pigeon
- pita
- plantain-eater
- plover
- poor-me-one
- poorwill
- potoo
- prion
- puffbird
- puffin
- quail
- rail
- raven
- rhea
- roadrunner
- sandgrouse
- sandpiper
- sapphire
- sapsucker
- seagull
- seriema
- serin
- shag
- shearwater
- sheathbill
- shrike
- skimmer
- skua
- sparrow
- spoonbill
- stone-curlew
- stork
- storm-petrel
- swamphen
- swift
- swiftlet
- tern
- thick-knee
- thrush
- tinamou
- tinkerbird
- toucan
- toucanet
- treepee
- treeswift
- tropicbird
- turaco
- turkey
- waterhen
- woodpecker
- wryneck
- yellowbill
- yellownape
- Single species
- anhinga
- canary
- chuck-will's-widow
- emu
- galah
- hammerkop
- hoatzin
- jabiru
- kakapo
- linnet
- mockingbird
- monklet
- rhea
- nightingale
- ostrich
- quail-plover
- rhea
- robin
- secretarybird
- shoebill
- spotbill
- wanderer [⇒ thesaurus]
- watercock
- weka
- whalehead
- whip-poor-will
- woodhen
- By age and sex
See also
- Category:Birds
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