- apartment
- bedsit
- brownstone
- cell [⇒ thesaurus]
- condo
- condominium
- dorm
- dorm room
- flat
- loft
- maisonette
- penthouse
- row house
- studio
- suite
- tenement
- townhouse
- unit
Houses for a single person or family
- cabin
- bungalow
- chalet
- château
- cottage
- farmhouse
- gatehouse
- house
- hovel
- hut
- lean-to
- lodge
- manse
- mansion
- McMansion
- palace
- presbytery
- ranch house
- shack
- shanty
- split-level
- vicarage
- villa
Houses for several people or families
- barracks
- boarding house
- bunkhouse
- dormitory
- duplex
- monastery
- nursing home
- old-age home
- prison [⇒ thesaurus]
- project
- rectory
- residence hall
- single room occupancy
- triplex
Mobile or temporary abodes
- camper
- camper van
- caravan
- double-wide
- houseboat
- mobile home
- motor home
- sleeping bag
- sukkah
- tent
- trailer
Characteristic Historical and Regional Structures
- adobe
- bastle
- blackhouse
- broch
- bothy
- burdei (See w:Burdei)
- cabana
- chickee (See w:Chickee)
- dogtrot
- dugout
- grubenhaus
- gunyah
- hogan
- humpy
- igloo
- jacal
- log cabin
- longhouse
- palapa
- pit-house (see w:Pit-house)
- rock shelter
- Queenslander
- quinzhee
- ramada
- rondavel
- roundhouse
- saltbox
- shieling
- shotgun
- soddie
- tepee
- tukul
- wigwam
- wickiup
- yaodong (See w:Yaodong)
- yaranga
- yurt
Site and structure together
Styles of structure
See also
Further reading
- “189. abode” in Roget's Thesaurus, T. Y. Crowell Co., 1911.
- “abode” in Moby Thesaurus II, Grady Ward, 1996.
List of house styles on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
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