Spirito Santo



From Latin Spīritus Sānctus. The /ss/ pronunciation might be a remnant of the original Latin -s.


  • IPA(key): /ˌspi.ri.to ˈsan.to/, (traditional) /ˌspi.ri.to‿sˈsan.to/
  • Rhymes: -anto

Proper noun

lo Spirito Santo m

  1. (Christianity) the Holy Ghost
    • mid 13th century, Gherardo Patecchio, Splanamento de li proverbi di Salomone [Explanation of Solomon's proverbs], lines 1–2; collected in Roberto Tagliani, editor, compiled by Maria Luisa Meneghetti, Il manoscritto Saibante-Hamilton 390 - Edizione critica, Rome: Salerno Editrice, 2019, →ISBN, page 324:
      Ê nome del Pare altissemo e del Fig beneeto
      e del Spirito Santo, en cui força me meto
      (northern Italy)
      In the name of the highest Father, and of the blessed Son, and of the Holy Ghost in whose power I place my trust
    • early-mid 1310smid 1310s, Dante Alighieri, “Canto XX”, in Purgatorio [Purgatory], lines 97–99; republished as Giorgio Petrocchi, editor, La Commedia secondo l'antica vulgata [The Commedia according to the ancient vulgate], 2nd revised edition, Florence: publ. Le Lettere, 1994:
      Ciò ch’io dicea di quell’unica sposa
      de Spirito Santo e che ti fece
      verso me volger per alcuna chiosa
      What I said about that sole bride of the Holy Ghost, and that had you speak to me for some explanation

Further reading

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