

Skandināvija (Eiropā)


Via other European languages, ultimately borrowed from Latin Scandināvia, a borrowing from some Nordic/North Germanic language, from Proto-Germanic *Skadinawjō (Scania), from *awjō (island).

See also Old English Scedenig, Old Norse Skáney (southern tip of Sweden); also Old English ī(e)g (island), Old Norse ey, Danish ø, Swedish ö (island)), adapted to follow Latvian patterns (suffix -ija)

Proper noun

Skandināvija f (4th declension)

  1. (geographically) the Scandinavian peninsula (Norway, Sweden and parts of northern Finland
    Skandināvijas pussalaScandinavian peninsula
  2. (politically, culturally) Norway, Sweden and Denmark, sometimes also Finland and Iceland; the main Nordic countries
    Skandināvija ir vēsturisks un ģeogrāfisks Ziemeļeiropas reģionsScandinavia is a historical and geographic region of Northern Europe


See also

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