


From Hungarian Pataki, from Patak.

Proper noun

Pataki (plural Patakis)

  1. A surname from Hungarian.





Patak + -i (adjective-forming suffix)


  • IPA(key): [ˈpɒtɒki]
  • Hyphenation: Pa‧ta‧ki
  • Rhymes: -ki

Proper noun


  1. a habitational surname

Usage notes

Hungarian surnames ending in -i or -y (both pronounced /i/, e.g. Munkácsy, Kölcsey, Petőfi, Jókai) may form their plurals with or without a linking vowel. These variants are usually synonyms with an occasional difference in meaning. (Reference in Hungarian: e-nyelv: The plural of surnames ending in -i or -y.)

  • The variant with a linking vowel may indicate the persons belonging to the family with that surname.
    Megérkeztek a Munkácsyak!The Munkácsys (the Munkácsy family) are here!
  • The variant without a linking vowel may indicate similar personalities or the works, writings, paintings, etc. of a famous person with that surname.
    Megérkeztek a Munkácsyk!The Munkácsys (the paintings of Munkácsy) are here!


Inflection (stem in long/high vowel, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative Pataki Patakik
accusative Patakit Patakikat
dative Patakinak Patakiknak
instrumental Patakival Patakikkal
causal-final Patakiért Patakikért
translative Patakivá Patakikká
terminative Patakiig Patakikig
essive-formal Patakiként Patakikként
inessive Patakiban Patakikban
superessive Patakin Patakikon
adessive Patakinál Patakiknál
illative Patakiba Patakikba
sublative Patakira Patakikra
allative Patakihoz Patakikhoz
elative Patakiból Patakikból
delative Patakiról Patakikról
ablative Patakitól Patakiktól
possessive - singular
Patakié Patakiké
possessive - plural
Patakiéi Patakikéi
Inflection (stem in -a-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative Pataki Patakiak
accusative Patakit Patakiakat
dative Patakinak Patakiaknak
instrumental Patakival Patakiakkal
causal-final Patakiért Patakiakért
translative Patakivá Patakiakká
terminative Patakiig Patakiakig
essive-formal Patakiként Patakiakként
inessive Patakiban Patakiakban
superessive Patakin Patakiakon
adessive Patakinál Patakiaknál
illative Patakiba Patakiakba
sublative Patakira Patakiakra
allative Patakihoz Patakiakhoz
elative Patakiból Patakiakból
delative Patakiról Patakiakról
ablative Patakitól Patakiaktól
possessive - singular
Patakié Patakiaké
possessive - plural
Patakiéi Patakiakéi
Possessive forms of Pataki
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. Patakim Patakijaim
2nd person sing. Patakid Patakijaid
3rd person sing. Patakija Patakijai
1st person plural Patakink Patakijaink
2nd person plural Patakitok Patakijaitok
3rd person plural Patakijuk Patakijaik


  • English: Pataki
  • English: Pataky
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