
See also: panzerfaust


Alternative forms


From German Panzerfaust.


Panzerfaust (plural Panzerfausts)

  1. A light, single-shot anti-tank grenade launcher developed in Germany in the latter stages of the Second World War.
    • 2014, Leo Barron, Patton at the Battle of the Bulge, Penguin, →ISBN:
      Apparently the air raid had caught the Volkssturm soldier in the village as he was transporting a supply of six panzerfausts in a handcart to another unit. Klemment wished he would hand over the panzerfausts to them, because he knew the Americans had tanks, and Klemment's unit had nothing in their arsenal to stop the metal monsters.




From Panzer (tank, armor) + Faust (fist).


  • IPA(key): /ˈpantsɐˌfaʊst/
  • (file)


Panzerfaust f (genitive Panzerfaust, plural Panzerfäuste)

  1. (military) Panzerfaust (type of anti-tank grenade launcher developed in WWII, now usually the Panzerfaust 3)
  2. (by extension) bazooka, any shoulder-fired anti-tank grenade launcher
    Synonym: Panzerabwehrhandwaffe


Further reading



Unadapted borrowing from German Panzerfaust.


Panzerfaust n (plural Panzerfausturi)

  1. Panzerfaust
    • 2015, Andreï Makine, Patria locotenentului Schreiber, →ISBN:
      [] tirul unui tun antitanc, obuzul unui Tiger, o bombă lansată de un avion (nemții sunt echipați acum cu Messerschmitt-uri cu reacție) sau un teribil Panzerfaust, aruncătorul de grenade pe care îl poate mânui chiar și un adolescent din Tinerul hitlerist.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 2015, Stephen Badsey, Al Doilea Război Mondial - 09 - Normandia 1944, Editura Litera, →ISBN, PĂRȚI COMBATANTE, page 27:
      Și infanteria avea artilerie mai grea, precum Bazooka americană sau Panzerfaustul german, care puteau penetra o turelă de tanc, dar nu aveau o rază de acțiune mai mare de 100 de metri.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 2020, Paul Collier, Al Doilea Razboi Mondial, →ISBN:
      Hotărârea lui Jukov de a nu fi depășit de Konev l-a făcut să trimită tancuri în masă, în bătălii de stradă, unde Panzerfausturile au doborât multe dintre ele.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)


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