Oceanus Pacificus

Semiglobus mundi Oceanum Pacificum ostendit.
A world half-globe exhibits the Pacific Ocean.
A world half-globe exhibits the Pacific Ocean.
Second declension noun with first/second declension adjective.
Case | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | Ōceanus Pācificus | Ōceanī Pācificī |
Genitive | Ōceanī Pācificī | Ōceanōrum Pācificōrum |
Dative | Ōceanō Pācificō | Ōceanīs Pācificīs |
Accusative | Ōceanum Pācificum | Ōceanōs Pācificōs |
Ablative | Ōceanō Pācificō | Ōceanīs Pācificīs |
Vocative | Ōceane Pācifice | Ōceanī Pācificī |
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