
Alternative forms

  • M2F2M, MtFtM


MTFTM (plural MTFTMs)

  1. Initialism of male-to-female-to-male, a male detransitioner.
    • 1996 November 8, Helena Velena <>, “Re: Transgender Nun”, in alt.transgendered (Usenet), retrieved 2022-02-22, message-ID <>:
      [] moreover another ex Tg [transgender] (mtf [male-to-female]) that now reverted to m [male] (MtFtM) and now is a monk, and considers himself still TG [transgender]. !!![sic]
    • 2004 June 4, Danielle <>, “Re: FYI - Australia”, in (Usenet), retrieved 2022-02-22, message-ID <c9rgih$a5v$>:
      SRS [sex reassgnment surgery] is under attack in australia[sic] at the moment, Alan Finch an umm MTFTM seems to be trying to stir up trouble, []

Coordinate terms


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