

FWOTD – 28 February 2014


From Middle High German jeger, from Old High German jagāri. By surface analysis, joen (to hunt) + er. Cognate with German Jäger, Dutch jager.


  • IPA(key): [ˈjeːɐ], [ˈʒeːɐ]


Jeeër m (plural Jeeër)

  1. hunter
    • 2004, Lou Cloos, Patrick Pax, D’Juegd: E Buch fir Jeeër an aner Naturfrënn, Fédération Saint-Hubert des Chasseurs du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, title:
      D’Juegd: E Buch fir Jeeër an aner Naturfrënn
      The hunt: a book for hunters and other friends of nature
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