Heilige Drei Könige


Alternative forms

  • Hl. Drei Könige


Literally, Three Holy Kings, from the extra-Biblical belief that the Magi were three in number and were rulers among their peoples.


  • IPA(key): /ˈhaɪ̯lɪɡə dʁaɪ̯ ˈkøːnɪɡə/
  • (file)

Proper noun

die Heiligen Drei Könige pl (proper noun, plural only, usually definite)

  1. (Christianity) the Magi, Three Wise Men
    Synonym: Weise aus dem Morgenland

Proper noun

Heilige Drei Könige n (invariable, no genitive or plural)

  1. (Christianity) Epiphany, Twelfth Day (feast on January 6th)
    Synonyms: Dreikönigstag, Dreikönigsfest, (rare) Epiphanie
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