


From English Godzilla, itself from Japanese ゴジラ (Gojira), a blend created for the movie from the words ゴリラ (gorira, gorilla) and (kujira, whale).


  • IPA(key): [ɡodˈzilo]
  • Rhymes: -ilo
  • Hyphenation: God‧zi‧lo

Proper noun

Godzilo (accusative Godzilon)

  1. Godzilla
    • 1997, Leland Bryant Ross, “re: Frankfurtoj kun aux sen cepoj”, in soc.culture.esperanto:
      Loka (nun en Pollando) E-isto, Nyegosh, kaj mi iam planis ekspluati la neologismon [frankfurto] per filmado de nova Godzilajxo/Kogxirajxo, "GODZILO MANGXAS FRANKFURTON"...
      A local (now in Poland) Esperantist, Nyegosh, and I once planned to exploit the neologism [frankfurto] with the filming of a new Godzilla/Kojira movie, "GODZILLA EATS FRANKFURTER"...
    • 2000, Bertilo Wennergren, “re: sur/en ies spuroj”, in soc.culture.esperanto:
      Tio dependas. Se Godzilo...
      That depends. If Godzilla...
    • 2018, Eric Paul Schaffer, “La godzila iluzio”, in Catherine B. Krause, transl., Beletra Almanako, number 31:
      Ja mi ne konas mian forton, nek Godzilo konas / / la sian.
      I know I don't know my strength, nor does Godzilla know / / his.
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