


From Corinthus + -ius.



Corinthius (feminine Corinthia, neuter Corinthium); first/second-declension adjective

  1. of Corinth, Corinthian
    • 63 BCE, Cicero, De lege agraria 1.2.5:
      [] deinde agrum optimum et fructuosissimum Corinthium qui L. Mummi imperio ac felicitate ad vectigalia populi Romani adiunctus est, []
      • 1856 translation by Charles Duke Yonge
        After that, that most excellent and productive land which belongs Corinth, which was added to the revenues of the Roman people by the campaigns and successes of Lucius Mummius.
    • 27 BCE – 25 BCE, Titus Livius, Ab Urbe Condita 44.1.4:
      [] praetor superato Leucata Corinthium sinum invectus []
      • 1951 translation by Alfred C. Schlesinger
        [] the praetor rounded Cape Leucas, entered the Gulf of Corinth []
    • c. 15 BCE, Vitruvius, De architectura 4.1:
      Columnae corinthiae praeter capitula omnes symmetrias habent uti ionicae, []
      • 1826 translation by Joseph Gwilt
        The Corinthian Column is, except in its capital, of the same proportion as the Ionic:


First/second-declension adjective.

Number Singular Plural
Case / Gender Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative Corinthius Corinthia Corinthium Corinthiī Corinthiae Corinthia
Genitive Corinthiī Corinthiae Corinthiī Corinthiōrum Corinthiārum Corinthiōrum
Dative Corinthiō Corinthiō Corinthiīs
Accusative Corinthium Corinthiam Corinthium Corinthiōs Corinthiās Corinthia
Ablative Corinthiō Corinthiā Corinthiō Corinthiīs
Vocative Corinthie Corinthia Corinthium Corinthiī Corinthiae Corinthia


Derived terms


Corinthius m sg (genitive Corinthiī or Corinthī); second declension

  1. a Corinthian (person)
    • c. 77 CE – 79 CE, Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia 7.LVII.198:
      [] figlinas Coroebus Atheniensis, in iis orbem Anarcharsis Scythes, ut alii, Hyperbius Corinthius.
      • 1855–1857 translation by John Bostock and H. T. Riley
        Choræbus, the Athenian, was the first who made earthen vessels; but Anacharsis, the Scthian, or, according to others, Hyperbius, the Corinthian, first invented the potter's wheel.


Second-declension noun, singular only.

Case Singular
Nominative Corinthius
Genitive Corinthiī
Dative Corinthiō
Accusative Corinthium
Ablative Corinthiō
Vocative Corinthī

1Found in older Latin (until the Augustan Age).

Further reading

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